domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011

tips for 2012...

1 - Try to make more exercise...even if you have just the evening!

2 - spend more time with your friends

3 - Eat better! But try don´t just "eat" but feel the flavor of the food!

 4 - Listen more music and hear the song of each instrument inside a tune...

5 - sleep well, but not more than enough, if you sleep eight hours per day in 90 years have slept 30 years, don't live as a zombie with 30 years old, Sleep, but wake up to life every day!

6 - Hug more, your friends, relatives, pets!Skin contact is powerful and helps to save lives!

7 - Laugh more! Laughed about yourself, good humor is very important for your health!

8 - Cultivate good friendships, share life is more interesting and not so boring!

 9 - Dream and have plans! But do not let the way for his conquest kill you slowly...the most important is to be alive!

 10 - Smile! Is the best way to improve your appearance if you're not very happy with this...

11 - keep good thoughts, the mind is self-destructive and infarcted hearts!

12 - Save a few minutes of your day to the people in your life or your pet, remember that they missing you! 

And the most important: live deeply every second of your life, we don't know if there's another chance ...

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