quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2012


I love it, so my collection is full of transparency...

I hope my beauty city can inspire you to use transparency as me!

very bad shot, just to see the transparency:

as I always write, the secret is the eye behind...good eye behind this photo:

it was mine :D

gray blouse (estylish girl collection): 55 euro

see you guys!!!


segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2012


my kitty is wish a good time to all of you!!!

I hope you have fun, maybe this week will be the last one, december 21 is close! The best thing it will on friday!



quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012

Working as Santa's assistant! Merry Christmas!

"Dear Santa Claus! I could ask as every child a toy but my dream is to get school supplies cuz my parents can not afford to buy it ..."

 You girls will get the school supplies and a Barbie doll each one! There is still time to be a  Post Office Santa Claus  :)

What is that? Brazil is grown up but still a place with poor people, if you like to help and wanna give a Merry Christmas to a lot of poor kids you can do the same as me...be a Post Office Santa Claus! Since 1989 the Brazilian Post Office Company work as "Santa Claus" they receive a lot of letters from poor people and you can be a Santa Claus to one of poor kid! You can go to a Post Office Agency and adopt a letter as me...I did it to four kids this year...

When you work as Santa Claus you receive the best gift...the big love of a poor kid, there´s nothing better in this world! It is good to you and warm your heart!

Every year the brazilian Post Office brings gift and love to poor families. This year the Brazilian army soldiers helped the campaign reading the letters and selecting the best one (poorest kids first)...I can write we have a great Post Office company and a amazing nice Army...they are not looking for war, they are spreading love and peace among people!  I hope this example will be followed by nations and I ask to Santa Claus a  2013 full of peace in the world!

I´m proud about my country as usual! Viva o Brasil!

Merry Christmas!

from Carol, assistant of Santa Claus!

segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2012

New spring collection 2013

I´m back! Why so long time with no post??? Because I have a great new! I create my own collection named "Stylish Girls" and I have the pleasure to show everyday since now!

Romantic Lace Blouse...just 50 euros...if you like let me now, it is almost over! Send your size (S,M,L) and your favourite color (Nude, Black or White) by the blog email!

